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Mastering the Use of Keywords for a Better SERP Ranking

SEO techniques for the rampant growth of organic traffic.

Search Engine Optimization is a technique that is widely used by businesses to compete on the SERP with their websites. There are a plethora of factors that SEO experts work on, but the most fundamental one of these is the use of keywords. Keywords are terms that anyone on the World Wide Web searches for in a query, businesses try to use these keywords in the content of their website to appear on the SERP for the keywords targetted. 

The fashion of using keywords to generate the maximum possible organic traffic requires a lot of expertise and experience as SEO is a very competitive field. Some of the terms which are commonly used in the field are: 

  • Keyword Density: This is a percentage value which is calculated by the formula total number of keywords divided by the total number of words and then multiplied by 100. According to the guidelines and common practices, there is a perfect range that businesses should target to achieve, which is generally considered to be at around 1% to 2%. 

  • Short Tail Keywords: These are search queries that are very broad in nature and have the highest search volumes. It is generally harder to target these keywords and try to rank in the SERP for new websites. Examples of short-tail keywords: are digital marketing, SEO, running shoes, etc. According to a certain report, almost 20% of all search queries are short-tailed keywords, so even though it is harder to make them work, they should never be avoided as they generate the maximum traffic.


  • Long Tail Keywords: These are the search queries that are more specific in nature. These keywords get comparatively less traffic than short-tail keywords, but they are easier to compete for as they’re more specific. This leads to greater conversion numbers as well. 

Utilizing keywords in an efficient manner reaps phenomenal results for any business, as it brings massive organic traffic to the website. Microflair Technologies is the best SEO company in India, as we have the finest and most experienced team of SEO experts who work tirelessly for better optimization and more organic traffic. 

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